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Mitchell Cavanagh

I’m a machine learning engineer, astrophysicist and indie game aficionado. I completed my PhD at ICRAR/UWA developing deep learning models to study galaxy evolution in large-scale surveys and cosmological simulations.

Welcome to my personal website! Here you’ll find me writing about various topics I find interesting, including:

Physics & Comp Sci

Machine Learning

Indie Games

Or, browse by topic:

algorithms astronomy complex networks cosmology darts differential equations fortran gaming GAN geometry indielist keras linguistics longform machine learning math n-grams neural networks nlp optimisation optuna parallelism planetary science programming python quantum shpc umap vae visualisation worldbuilding

My Research

My models have been used to study hundreds of thousands of galaxies across multiple datasets.

Preprints of my first-author papers are available on arXiv.
You can also find my full list of publications on my ORCID record.